Wednesday 30 April 2008

Somatuline Autogel

So I finished with radio on Jan 31st as scheduled, everything improved since I finished: I started feeling better and not being so tired, and after a couple of weeks later I was feeling ok.

I had some blood tests in March and GH & IGF-1 are not as ok as me, so my endo prescribed me Somatuline Autogel 120mg every three weeks until June, when I will have a new MRI, new blood tests, and visit the Radio Doctor, Neurosurgeon & Endocrinologist. By now I have had 3 shots (last on Monday) and have 3 more left until next visit to Endo.

I have not felt any particular change in me when I have had my shots, and of course I do not feel better with the pain in my ***... I suppose that I have to wait some more months till everything starts working. Anyway, there is no reason to complain! I have treatment!