Wednesday, 20 June 2007

First Anniversary

Well, exactly one year ago I was diagnosed. Happy anniversary!!!

I feel quite well, because I think I am recovering quite easily from the second operation (maybe the previous experience is helping). If someone had told me one year ago that today I was going to feel this way, I would have been quite happy!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Meeting Jason

Surprisingly, I had the chance to meet Jason last week. He and his wife had some time before taking the plane, so we met at Barajas Airport here in Madrid. It was a great experience!

Monday, 11 June 2007

Back at home after the second surgery!

You can see me at the Hospital, two days after the operation . I had a great "tamponage" in my nose, with a small cord so that the neurosurgeon could remove it (several days later)

So finally I am back from the Hospital! I went there on May the 29th, had the endonasal surgery on the 31st and came back home on June 8th!

It is so so different to face the same situation for the second time... It is so easy, knowing how you are feeling! Everything went as planned, except from the surgeons, who said that they expected to remove more than what they were able. Anyway, all that is removed is not doing bad in my body, so I have to be happy for that. Next step is Radiotherapy (again), but first I have to wait to have the blood tests and MRI done, I suposse they will be after the summer.

I do not know how much there is still in my head since I have to wait for three months from surgery to do a MRI, and I still have to receive the formal report from my estance at the hospital, but I feel quite strong, and the headaches are not too bad.

My only medication now is Cortisone, just in case they have hurt my pituitary funtions, and some pain killers.